Letters To Pop

mail+image*In the first in a series of “letters” to his Jefito, Jefe opens up not only to the man who taught him so much but to readers who may share in their plight. 

Dear Pop, I know things are a bit challenging for you at times and I just wanted to write you and remind you how proud I am to be your son. I have so much to say and I just thought it best to start with “thank you”.

Thank you Pop for loving God and the gift of faith you have instilled in us. Thank you for loving mom and being the best example of what a husband should be. Yours is the greatest love story I know. Thank you for loving us kids even when we messed up and broke your heart. In and through you I have seen the Father Heart of God and His love for us.

Thank you for never saying “no” whenever you came home from work – tired, weary and worn and we all sought your time and attention. Thank you for the lessons of life and love that I carry in my heart like a precious treasure. Lessons like standing up for myself and more importantly for those who couldn’t. Years later, I’ve had friends contact me and thank me for sticking up for them or “protecting” them during those precious and tender years. Wish I could really take credit for that but that’s all you Pop.

Heck, I never would have those friends if it wasn’t for you. I remember being small and complaining about not having friends. You told me that in order to have friends I must prove myself friendly first. “How do I do that daddy?” “Well, you can start by  smiling and saying hello.” Thank you for that wonderful lesson in friendship and for being my greatest friend.

Thank you for so much but I need you to remember who you are. You are a fighter, a warrior and a wise protector. Wise Protector is our family name. Draw strength from God and His word. Praise Him for the battle that He already won. I love you Pop. Remember that. Remember I’m your Torito. I’ll hold your hands up like Aaron and Hur. It’s on our knees and in worship we gain the victory. You taught me that. Thank you. Let me help return the favor.

Con todo mi corazon,

Su hijo




Of Mountains, Mustard Seeds…& Land of The Lost?


“Have you prayed for something big or small? How long did you have to wait, or did the answer ever come at all? Words are mere expressions of thought, and nothing more. Believing is what really counts my friend, and faith is what unlocks the door.”

No truer words have been spoken as those from the song Prayer Is The Key To Heaven, Faith Unlocks The Door. I used to think I was a person of faith having been raised in the church. Life has a funny way of making an innocent child grow cynical. Funnier yet is how God chooses to show up and remind you that he listens and answers in marvelous ways.

My family moved from Santa Ana to Corona when I was small but my dad still worked in Orange and we’d go visit my grammita in Santana almost every weekend. I loved the drives to and from on the 91 freeway. A big reason why was because of the rolling hills and mountains along the way. There was a particular group of mountains that reminded me of some that I would see on my favorite TV show, Land Of The Lost. For those that don’t know, Land Of The Lost was a show about a family that was transported back in time to the dinosaur age. Every time we drove past those mountains I’d imagine there were dinosaurs or dinosaur bones in them. Silly I know but I had a very vivid imagination.

It was around this time I had learned in Sunday school about what it means to have faith. One of my favorite lessons was when Jesus told his disciples about having the faith of a mustard seed and that we could say to a mountain move and it shall be done. I figured that I’m already small and that would help play into the size of my faith. Oh the mind of a child! I was ready to put my faith to the test. I figured if Jesus said it then it can happen!

One day we went to pick up my Jefito from work in our 75 periwinkle and maroon Toyota Celica. Hey, that was a cool ride back in the day. Anyways, as my mom was driving I was looking out the backseat window at my dinosaur mountains. I built up all the faith my tiny self could muster and under my breath I looked at those mountains and I said, “In Jesus name, move!” I could feel my eyes grow like saucers as I waited to see what would happen next. Then pow, bam, boom…nothing! Well, I guess I didn’t have enough faith. So that was that. I would forget about this moment for almost twenty years.

Fast forward and I’m in my early twenties. It’s a late Friday night and I’m driving home from Irvine. As I’m driving along a stretch of the 91 I hear “look to your right”. I glance over and see that construction has begun on what would become the 241 Toll Road. In that instant I realize my dinosaur mountain is gone! Up until that moment I had all but forgotten about it. I was overcome with emotion. I didn’t have any pressing needs or wants at that time but God saw fit to show me that He heard the prayer and saw the faith of a little boy and oh how He answered. Now I know some of you will be thinking, “come on Jefe, construction workers moved that mountain”. You know, God will use normal circumstances to bring about supernatural events.

I forget how much later, construction was completed and the 241 Toll Roads opened. I was sharing with some kids I had been mentoring and a friend, Brett, about what I had prayed as a child and how my dinosaur mountain had been moved. Brett asked why I called it my dinosaur mountain and I explained how I loved Land Of The Lost and that I’d imagine dinosaur bones being in them. His eyes widened and his jaw drops. He tells me, “You know I worked on the construction of that”. He then proceeds to tell me that they had to halt construction because they discovered dinosaur bones!

I don’t know what you’re facing or praying for today. I do know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. If he said it, believe it. Have faith to move your mountain. He’ll answer you and it might be in a way and in a timing you might not be expecting but his timing is perfect and his love is marvelous!



Mid-Day Music Break: Believer



I dream of tongues of fire
Resting on Your people
I dream of all the miracles to come
I hope to see the coming
Healing of the nations
I long to see the prodigals return
So many hopes and longings in You
When will all the dreams come true?

I’m a believer in Your Kingdom
I am a seeker of the new things
I am a dreamer with some old dreams
Let them now come

I hope to see You come down
Rend the mighty heavens
And let Your glory cover all the earth
To see Your sons and daughters
Come to know and love You
And find a purer passion in the church
These are the things my heart will pursue
When will all the dreams come true?

I’m a believer in Your Kingdom
I am a seeker of the new things
I am a dreamer with some old dreams
Let them now come
I’m a believer in Your Kingdom
I am a seeker of the new things
I am a dreamer with some old dreams
Will You now come

Praise & Worship (The Remix)

I often wonder if we were to change old (and not so old) praise and worship songs to fit today’s “modern” church service – would they sound/look like this?

Come, Now Is The Time To Worship: Come, Now Is The Time To Watch Worship
We Exalt Thee: We Have 15 Minutes To Exalt Thee
Holy Spirit Thou Art Welcome In This Place: Holy Spirit Thou Art Welcome In This Place But Please Don’t Convict Us To Righteousness
Here I Am To Worship: Here I Am To Be Entertained
Lord Let Your Glory Fall: Lord Let Your Glory Fall But Not Right Now Because We’re Seeker Friendly and Good With The Status Quo

There’s a hollowness in many churches all around our country today because they rather entertain than enter in. They rather grow their church exponentially but not teach them (especially newly saved) about the power they now have in Jesus to actually keep them. Worse yet, there are those who have been saved many years and are completely content in mediocrity and don’t believe in miracles any more. We’ve become ineffective not because we lack love but because we lack conviction and zeal. We do a piss-poor job of growing spiritually because it might stretch us out of our comfort zone. So we go through the motions like zombies. Let’s wake up. Let’s be real about ourselves and our struggles. Let’s be real in knowing we need a savior and not just His love and grace but His life-changing power. Let’s see a true revival. It starts with us. Ironically, we must borrow from an old song and say: I don’t want to be, I don’t want to be a casual Christian.


Mid-Day Music Break: Nothing Compares 2U


Recently, Jefe was talking with some of  his Ruiz primos about music and Chris Stapleton in particular. It wasn’t until he looked him up that he remembered hearing this tribute to Prince shortly after he died. Now for those that know Jefe, they know he can be somewhat unkind to people who cover other artists songs. However, Jefe was mesmerized by the soul and strength in which Mr. Stapleton sang Nothing Compares 2U. Jefe may not like some of the “new country” but thanks to Chris Stapleton, he has a new hope for not only that genre but music itself.

Prince & The Passion Of Purpose


As 2016 draws to a close I can’t help but reflect on so much and upon the lives of people that have impacted mine, especially at a tender age. I know that it’s been eight months since Prince has passed but it still stings my soul. I was just a little boy when I first heard his music. I didn’t consciously know who he was until I was in the 4th grade. That’s when Purple Rain came out. But this is not a tribute or an act of redundancy. What can I possibly say that hasn’t already been said about the man?

Gifts and talents are placed inside each and every one of us. Some, like in the old parable, hide them and are afraid to use them. Others, wisely, use what is given and use them to the best of their ability. When I think of Prince, I think of a person who used every bit of God-given talent and ability. There’s a legendary honor in that. There’s a celestial respect given that makes history resonate with a melody of his music. It’s a melody that has it’s genesis in everything that pushes greatness: Passion. Not passion as we think but a passion of purpose.

Prince was designed to be a musician and music was his passion. Music was his purpose. There’s countless stories from seasoned musicians who were put to shame by the genius that was Prince. He played many instruments and he played them exceedingly well. Prince practiced and/or played music every day. Think about that. Really. I’ll give you a moment or two. There’s a vault of countless music that he recorded that has yet to be released. Will we ever see/hear it? To be honest, I could care less. The point of the matter is, he lived his life with a passion for his purpose.

How many of us are living our purpose? Are we merely existing? Do we have that fire to do the thing(s) that was given us? You may not think you have a talent but don’t let that deny the world of the gift that is you. If it’s been a while since you used your gift/talent take heart, it’s never too late to start again. This crazy, sick, old world needs musicians, poets, story tellers, encouragers, helpers, listeners…anything that brings light to our fellow man.

I implore you to dig deep and light the fire of passion for your purpose. It’s your gift to the world. We all need a reminder of passion for our purpose Maybe some day someone will write a story, a thought or a song about you and the passion of purpose of which you lived. A purpose of passion that encouraged a weary soul to seek the best in themselves. Leave no doubt that you are living a life with passion for your purpose. The world needs reminders every day.

*For Esperanza/Hope in all of us

Ballad of The Abused


*Recently, in the news, there was a horrendous story about a firefighter who killed his wife and then killed himself. Although there were no preliminary reports of domestic violence it was a subject that struck close to some that Jefe knows and one in particular who reached out for help/advice. Usually, Jefe likes to keep things light but he sometimes has to give thought-provoking content. This is one of them.

Frustrated and Confused wrote:

I have been married for almost 21 years. I have two children – oldest being 21 and youngest just turned 18. My husband is a firefighter and his schedule has him away a lot. When he is home, we dare not disturb or make him upset. He is quite volatile and the slightest thing can send him off the deep end. He will yell and raise his voice at me and or the kids. He will sometimes throw or break things. I am ashamed to admit that he has placed his hands on me during fits of rage (although it was a long time ago) and that police have been called to my house but I didn’t have it in me to file charges either time. 

He is extremely controlling and manipulative. We have to check in with him if we go anywhere. When he is away at work, we have to answer his calls or texts right away. He doesn’t like my family and I hardly ever see them. We always do things with his side of the family but even then, he’s distant from them.

I don’t want to paint him as a monster because I know he had a rough upbringing and he is a terrific provider for us. He is emotionally detached however and almost everything we do as a family is centered around him and what he wants. I’ve prayed for him and things to change but they seem to be getting worse. I’ve tried to leave several times but something always keeps me coming back. Funny thing is that when he gets upset with me, he usually threatens divorce. I actually called him out on it recently. The following morning, he threw the divorce papers in my face and said if I wanted a divorce, I should be the one doing the paperwork.

I’m extremely frustrated and confused. What should I do?

F&C, first off let me say that your husband is probably a sociopath and without a doubt – a coward! All I need to know is this and I’ll make it simple for you: He’s put his hands on you before. I don’t care if it was a long time ago or not, that is flat out wrong. Second, he knows nobody else will put up with his crap so that is why he put the ball in your court, as it were, to have YOU start the divorce process. He is probably so sure you wouldn’t and he knew he’d be off the hook. Also, I have close friends and family that are firefighters as well and they’re not away as much as you say he is. But that’s neither here nor there. That’s a whole other response.

You know, I was fighting with how to respond so I had to reach out to an acquaintance who battled through over sixteen years of all kinds of abuse at the hands of her husband. It was only when she had been beaten within an inch of her life that she decided to leave. She told Jefe that fear and manipulation play a big part as to why women stay. She said that nobody can really understand unless they’ve been in that situation before. She said that it took her being beat so bad that she woke up in the ICU that she finally decided enough was enough. She didn’t have a plan but knew she had to file charges and most importantly get out. It was then in that process that she realized how strong she really was but because for so long her husband put her down and beat her, she never really knew her self worth.

I hope you know your self worth but YOU have got to want to change your situation. What’s it going to take? Are you really willing to stick around to find out? Your friends and family may want to help but what good is it going to do if you keep going back? What keeps you going back? History? Not wanting to be alone? Pride?

I have a friend who is a counselor and so is his wife who ironically enough, specializes with women who have been abused. Her first marriage was marred by domestic violence. Thank God that she can share her experience with others and help them heal and overcome. Anyways, my friend gave me this great anecdote that I hope is beneficial to you and those who may know of situations of domestic abuse/violence and need help:

“You know I used to be a life guard instructor and the first thing I would ask every new class was this: what do you do when you see somebody drowning? I’d get answers from, “get a pole” to “throw a life ring”. Then I’d ask: what if you don’t have none of that? Almost every time, I’d get this answer, “swim out to them and proceed with life rescuing procedures”.

Did you know that is the worst thing you can do because the person that is drowning has so much adrenaline pumping through them that their thrashing about can actually take whoever is trying to save them down as well. You actually have to get beyond arms distance and wait for them to exhaust themselves to the point where you see them start to go down below water. It is only then that you know it is safe to go get them.

F&C, I really hope it doesn’t take you to “go below the water” to finally get out and or help. By continuing to go back you’re teaching your children it’s OK for men to treat women/their wives without respect and like possessions. You are also teaching them that you’re fine with it and that they should be as well.

I’m praying that you find your worth and strength again.


The Fight Against Depression

01RobJust like Pagliacci did, I tried to keep my sadness hid; Smiling in the public eye but in the lonely room I cry; The tears of a clown when there’s no one around. – Smokey Robinson (Tears of A clown)

I don’t claim to be funny. I like to think I am. There’s nothing better than putting a smile on someone’s face. Maybe at one time or another I tried to be a class clown. Recently, however, after meeting up with some grade school classmates, I was told I had a loud mouth (thanks, Yvette and Brian). It’s kind of buzz kill to hear that I was more obnoxious than funny. I did and still do hate bullies. Pops taught me to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. I got into a few scraps defending classmates and sometimes I just got into chingasos because I didn’t know how to control my emotions. But that’s neither here nor there so I digress. Point of the matter is I like to take care of people. Still do if and when I can. Almost all of them never knew this one thing about me: I battle with depression.

Whether we want to admit it or not, there’s a stigma that goes with depression . People don’t want to talk about their mental health issues. They feel as though they’ll be looked down upon. They feel as though they’re not good enough to fit in. Sadly, their worst fears are proven to be true. People are judgmental or unsympathetic.

When Robin Williams took his life last year it hit me hard. I literally grew up watching him on Mork & Mindy. I loved his stand up comedy and movies. He made me laugh like no other. When I heard that he had battled long and hard with depression I felt even more heartbroken for him. I understood. I knew some of the pain and angst he felt. To the depths of which, we all are different but the pain is still there.

The best thing you can do when you are fighting with depression is to seek help. Sometimes it’s going to see if there’s a chemical imbalance or talking things over with a professional. Take that step. Don’t let fear grip and put you into a standstill. DO NOT ISOLATE YOURSELF! You have family and friends that care and love you but they can’t help you if you don’t ask for it.


Family and friends of people who are fighting depression, be kind, be encouraging, be loving, be stern when you have to. There will be times when you will get frustrated but do your best to be patient. You’ll want to give up on them at times. Don’t. You may not understand their struggle but loving them isn’t and shouldn’t be set on the condition that they have to get better right away.

This subject is probably the most important I’ve written about. If it could help anybody get better then it will have served its purpose. I can’t repeat this enough: To those who feel like giving up, don’t. Fight! To those who feel like giving up on loved ones who are waging a war you don’t understand, don’t. You may just hold the keys to help them overcome.

The Impossible (And Redemptive) Math of 7 x 70


“Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not next week or month or even year…but I will get you back!”

Yeah. Those words usually flowed out of the mouth of Jefe after he had been done wrong. Although he had been taught and even shown mercy and grace, he had a vindictive streak in him. He spelled forgiveness: r-e-v-e-n-g-e.

It’s easy to say, “I forgive you” but to actually follow through on the action can be hard. I’m no theologian but when I think of when Jesus was asked the question about forgiveness, he knew our human condition and responded to that. “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!” Often, we replay the misdeed in our head and hold on to that hurt or pain. Do we truly forgive if we continually revisit the wrong done to us? 

Now I know you’re probably thinking, “Jefe – you can’t expect me to be somebody’s punching bag and continue to let them hurt me knowing that I’ll continue to forgive them.” Of course not. Common sense and wisdom are definitely needed. We’re not made to be anyone’s whipping post.

Does Jefe have this forgiveness stuff down right? Heck no! He is, however, working at it – daily! There are times when he still wants to be vindictive. He can admit that he’ll even find ways of bringing up the hurt/transgression to punish that individual for doing him wrong. Is that forgiveness? No. He is still letting the pain hold him captive and in turn, tries to keep the offender along with him for the ride.

Everything won’t always come up roses and rainbows when you choose to forgive. You even have to be OK with apologies that will never be spoken. Forgiveness is a powerful thing when you let it. It can set both parties free. It is a choice for sure. Choose to be at peace with yourself. Choose to love and show love. I’m reminded of the scripture about love and the part where it says, “love keeps no records of wrong”. Dang it – I’ve been doing this love and forgiveness thing wrong! I’ve kept the records in file cabinets of my mind.

Nothing says I love you more than choosing to forgive and truly showing it. Nothing shows love, if you are the offender than being truly contrite and choosing to change your ways. Sometimes circumstances don’t allow you to see or talk to the person who wronged you. Choose to forgive them anyways. Say it out loud if you have to. Write a letter and then throw it away or burn it. However you choose to, be like Nike and Just Do It!

Forgiveness begins within ourselves. Maybe you’re like Jefe and have a hard time forgiving yourself. Maybe you’ve said or done something that you think is past forgiveness. NOTHING is ever past forgiveness. In this crazy cynical world we are taught to be hyper-vigilant against wrong doing and it is our right to seek revenge. Choose to break free from whatever you hold yourself bound to. Live in the freedom God wants and has for you. Even if you have to do it a few times a day. Or 7 x 70.



Jeremiah 29:11-13


When we think all around has fallen, it’s good to know that God’s thoughts for us are good.  His love is amazing.  Seek him with all of your heart.  He is waiting to share so much with you – wonderful things.  Even things you never thought possible.  Remember that with God, ALL things are possible!

Midnight Music Break: Sleeping To Dream



Throwing everybody for a loop with the first Midnight Music Break.  I thought it apropos to have a Jason Mraz penned song about sleeping and dreaming.  As a lyricist (as well as a singer and musician), I hold Mr. A-Z in highest of regard.   The way he structures a song and the way he delivers it can be both simplistic and beautifully complicated, especially with the help of one Toca Rivera and his amazing vocals.  Enjoy.  “…I don’t mind”

Go To The Source


In this day and age of high technology and finger tip information it is sad that we have lost our ability to truly communicate and understand one another.  There is such a disconnect when we text, email and use social media.  Many don’t see a problem but there is.  So much can be (and is) misconstrued simply because we choose what we think to be an easier way.   Granted, there are times when proximity can be a problem but for the most part we don’t allow ourselves or others a chance to respond.  That’s the beauty of going to the source.  There’s an ebb and flow of talking face to face.  It not only gives us the chance to voice our thoughts but the opportunity to listen.  The art of conversation might be dead but it doesn’t have to be so if we just go to the source, talk and listen.  You’d be surprised at what can happen.

Mid-Day Music Break: Paradigm

In keeping with today’s post about life’s shifts, how wonderful to know that no matter what happens in life, God never fails.  Stand strong in the knowledge that He will never leave or forsake you. You may fail others.  Others may fail you. God is always there with loving hands wide open saying “I am the same today and forever”.




Life can shift on you in a blink of an eye. Sometimes, people who you thought were going to always be by your side are easily swayed by opinions of others or doubts in their mind. They might think you aren’t worth anything or as they say in the calles, “ain’t worth shit”. That’s fine. Keep grinding. Keep moving. You may move a little bit at first but in time you will build momentum. If people can stay by your side through your worst, they are the ones you can call and know to be a friend. Pain is temporary. Quitting is forever.  No matter what might be said or done, don’t quit during the shifts of life.

Mid-Day Music Break: Here Comes The Sun

LosBeatlesThose that know Jefe, know his affinity for los Beatles knows no bounds.  They also know he is a snob when it comes to covers/remakes of classic songs.

Jefe may have the worst of days but if he hears, Here Comes The Sun, his day automatically gets brighter (pun intended).  This beautiful version of said song is wonderful in so many ways.  If you live under a rock and never heard Here Comes The Sun, then you would not know the song is about hope and optimism.  What better place to play such song than an unemployment office.  I think people may miss the symbolic gesture when viewing the first time.  I shared this video with a friend and it went over her head.  That’s OK.  Funny, but OK.

On this Good Friday, be blessed to know that love still conquers all.  There is a hope in knowing that death could not hold him down.  The power of his love is still available to us all.  Look, here comes the son!

Good Friday, Gays, Rights & Lefts

If you are easily offended, whatever side of the “debate” you are on, then I kindly suggest you kick rocks. If you intend on staying and reading, then by all means, do so, but please read this in its entirety.GoodFriday

On a day in which the world celebrates/observes Good Friday and in a week which saw the U.S. Supreme Court convene over Gay rights, Jefe finds himself at a laughable position: an extremely patriotic, second generation Mexican-American, who happens to be politically incorrect and…oh, by the way, a Christian who believes in equal rights.  Since Americans like to label every one and every thing, Jefe thought best to beat people to the punch.

I believe marriage should be between a man and woman.  I also believe that gay couples should be allowed to have a civil union/domestic partnership and the same benefits that a married couple have.  Is that really hard to fathom?  Why so much hate from both sides?  Just because Jefe says he’s for traditional marriage doesn’t mean he hates gays.  Likewise, just because he believes that gay couples should have the same rights/benefits of a married couple doesn’t make him less of a Christian.

As an American, I believe wholeheartedly in the Declaration of Independence and the virtue that We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  Why is it that we, as Americans, have no problem putting each other down because we can’t respect each other enough to shut the hell up and listen?  Our definition of happiness has become you are wrong, I am right.  It is sad that our nation prefers to be correct know-it-all jerks rather than live on the principles of respect, happiness and love.

Speaking of love…

No greater love has ever been or ever will be shown: that a man would die, lay down his life and give it for his friend.  On this Good Friday, let us not forget the love of God.  Let us not forget the love of his son, Jesus, and his willingness to die for us all.  Not some of us.  Not just Christians.  ALL. 

I find it funny that lost among a lot of Christians/believers is the question that was posed to Jesus: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?  Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.   All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.  

So let me get this straight.  Jesus, the foundation of Christianity, said the greatest commandment was to love God and our neighbor as ourselves?  Who is my neighbor?  EVERYBODY!  Am I showing love if I’m constantly arguing or condemning somebody?  I’m not a theologian or philosopher, nor do I portray one on TV but I’d have to say Jesus kinda knew a thing or two about love.

I leave you with these final thoughts.  The Gay community uses the rainbow as their symbol of diversity.  Whether they realize it or not, God has long-held a copyright on that as his symbol of love for this world.  Yes, the rainbow is God’s sign to us all that he wouldn’t destroy/condemn us.  Jesus, God’s son, said that he didn’t come to condemn the world but to save it.   Jesus came to show love for all by dying on the cross.  He rose from the grave to show the power of that love.  It’s Friday but Sunday’s coming!


Blades of Steel


Jefe digs hockey especially live and in person.  Funny for those that know his past but Jefe doesn’t really dig the fighting.  It’s probably a good thing because today’s Jefe-ism reflects his thoughts had he been able to play hockey and in the NHL.

It’s unfathomable to Jefe that all these vatos in the NHL that are fighting and none of them have the common sense to use the fierros strapped on their feet.  If Jefe were to get in some chingasos on the ice, somebody’s getting cut…repeatedly.

 -L. Jefe

Mid-Day Music Break: I’m Still In Love With You


New Edition is one of the most underrated musical groups of all-time.  When they hit the scene back in the day, a lot of OGs were reminded of The Temptations and the groups of yesteryear that incorporated precision dance moves with incredible singing.  Often times, people forget just how good these guys could sing.  On this Valentine’s Day, be reminded and let your love know that you’re still in love.  Enjoy this song featuring Ralph and Ricky.